Continuing Financial Modelling PDF e-Book

Working on those Optimal Figures for the (Financial) Modelling Industry

IT’S JUST LIKE WAITING FOR A BUS. You wait for one decent Financial Modelling book to come out and then two come along at once. This edition is aimed at those who wish to advance their knowledge and expertise in financial modelling by addressing common problems that occur day to day in the world of business / decision analyses, forecasting, and valuations. Building on the sister book, Introduction to Financial Modelling, this volume begins where the other ends, considering typical issues and traps in cashflow forecasting, inventory modelling, depreciation calculations, debt sculpting, rolling budgets / charts, and valuation construction, to name just a few relevant topics. This is not so much the sequel to Liam’s first sortie into the world of financial modelling, as the continuing reconnaissance mission. This book continues the theme of pragmatic – not theoretical – tips, tricks and ideas about how to build a financial model, with over 40 large scale and numerous smaller Excel examples. Delivered in Liam’s inimitable style, be warned: the humour remains terrible. Find out why so many readers have said, “Oh, I wish I had kept the receipt”.

406 Pages

ISBN 978-1-61547-068-6 Print, 978-1-61547-154-6 Digital

First Printing: January 2021. Updated with corrections June 2022.

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